Il Progetto “COOP FWD “ è stato approvato dall’Unione Europea attraverso il Programma COSME. Il partner principale del progetto è BJELOVARSKO-BILOGORSKA ZUPANIJA – BBZ, la Provincia di Bjelovar-Bilogora, Croazia.
Il partenariato del progetto coinvolge anche altri 4 paesi europei:
- Città di Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia
- Comune di Cavriago, Italia
- Città di Balatonboglár, Ungheria
- Municipio di Praga 9, Repubblica Ceca
Il progetto ha come obiettivo principale quello di promuovere una mentalità imprenditoriale nei giovani nel contesto dell’economia sociale. I partner si impegnano a creare una rete tra le città, con l’obiettivo di migliorare la conoscenza dell’economia sociale e le opportunità che la cooperazione tra i cittadini può portare, sia in termini di educazione e conoscenza che di contributo a un’idea di crescita sostenibile del territorio.
Il progetto si svolgerà in 3 eventi (Croazia, Repubblica Ceca e Serbia). Ogni evento ha la durata di 2-3 giorni e si concentrasu un tema specifico. Il prossimo evento si terrà dal 15 al 17 settembre 2021 a Praga, Repubblica Ceca, sarà il primo a essere tenuto in presenza, e il tema principale sarà la promozione dell’imprenditoria sociale nei vari contesti europei coinvolti, lo scambio di buone prassi ed una visita in loco al “Community garden Paletka”, un giardino di comunità nato nel 2018 nel Municipio n°9 di Praga. Ad ogni evento, i partner utilizzeranno diversi metodi e strumenti per trasmettere le conoscenze, come laboratori, presentazioni, conferenze e visite in loco.
I gruppi coinvolti sono i rappresentanti delle autorità locali, enti pubblici, studenti, educatori e altri cittadini (giovani e anziani) interessati alle attività d’impresa sociale, pubbliche o private.
Per maggiori informazioni sul progetto:
Eddy Galeotti – Centro Studio e Lavoro “La Cremeria” srl
Tel: 0522/576911 – 3282468647
English version:
OSME Project “Moving ForWarD to support the social economy through inter-regional COOPeration and developing education and training for younger persons — COOP FWD”
Co-funded by the the COSME programme of the European Union
Grant agreement 101015891-CITIZ-1-2019-2-HR-CITIZ-NT
The project “COOP FWD“ has been approved for a grant worth EUR 99.934,00 EUR from the European Union via the COSME programme through the call for proposals “Social Economy Missions”. The lead partner of the project is Bjelovar-Bilogora County/Bjelovarsko-bilogorska županija, which is a regional government in the Republic of Croatia. The project partnership covers 5 European countries (Croatia, Italy, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Hungary).
The partners on the project are:
– Comune di Cavriago/Municipality of Cavriago – located in Italy
– Mestska Cast Praha 9/Municipality Prague 9 – located in the Czech Republic
– Grad Sremska Mitrovica/City of Sremska Mitrovica – located in Serbia
– Balatonboglar Varosi Onkormanyzat /Municipality of Balaton – located in Hungary
The project started on February 1, 2021 and it will last for 12 months (until January 31st, 2022).
The main objective of the project is to foster the entrepreneurial mind-sets of young people to be involved in the social economy in the target regions (Bjelovar-Bilogora County, HR; Cavriago, IT; Prague 9, CZ; Sremska Mitrovica, RS and Balaton, HU). The consortium regards education and the promotion of cooperative models among citizens as crucial to the development of the regional social economy. Through this project, the partnership will improve cooperation and know-how regarding the social economy. This in turn will enhance approaches to education (especially towards younger persons) and to foster cooperative enterprise models (and similar models that contribute to sustainable growth).
The main activities of the project include:
– The organization of three workshops (major events): The first event is planned to take place in Bjelovar in May 2021 over a three-day period. The second event will be held in Municipality Prague 9, Czech Republic and the third event will be held in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia. At each event, participants from the targeted countries will exchange knowledge and best practices regarding the social economy, especially in connection to cooperative models and education
programmes targeting younger persons;
– The development and testing of a train-the-trainer programme: Each consortium member will lead training (in cooperation with local experts) via webinars. The webinars will focus on introducing the social economy, how cooperative enterprise models function in theory and practice, methods and tools to teach young persons to be social entrepreneurs. The main target groups are educators and trainers already teaching entrepreneurship to pupils.
Final conference in Bjelovar, Croatia: At the end of the project, the partnership will present the final results of the project and conclude a networking agreement detailing the future actions of the partnership with regards to social economy.
The target groups of the project are representatives of educational institutions (primary, secondary, universities and VET institutions, local and regional authorities, civil society organizations, cooperatives, business support organizations, and citizens interested in social economy. Through the project, the partnership will enhance their understanding on how they can promote and manage the social economy in their regions, and learn how to organize social enterprises effectively.
For more information about “COOP FWD”, please contact:
Eddy Galeotti – Centro Studio e Lavoro “La Cremeria” srl
Tel: 0522/576911 – 3282468647